CaPS |
Webserver for
prediction of EF-hand or EF-hand like Ca2+-binding motifs |
EF-hand CaBPs data library |
Database of sequence
and structural information on EF-hand CaBPs |
A collection of gene,
mRNA and protein information of EF-hand proteins in human, rat and mouse |
Available from the
authors |
A meta-functional
signature algorithm for Ca2+-binding residue prediction |
Available from the
authors |
Webserver for
prediction of metal-binding sites using cascade of neural networks from
sequence derived features | |
CalPred |
Web tools for EF-hand CaBP prediction and calcium binding region identification |
Predicting Ca2+-binding
sites based on protein structures (PDB entries or modeled structures) |
MUGπ |
Tools for predicting
Ca2+-binding sites based on graph theory and geometric analyses |
A computations
algorithm based on empirical force field to predict the position of metal
ions in protein |
Webserver for
assigning protein functions (including Ca2+-binding) with support
vector machine learning |
Webserver for
automated function prediction (including Ca2+-binding sites) in
protein structures with machine learning |
Webserver for
predicting metal ion binding sites with the Random Forest machine learning
method |
An integrated web
resource for ligand binding site prediction |
A threading-based
method to detect metal-binding site in modeled structures by integrating
evolutionary information and machine learning |
A consensus method to
predict ligand binding sites by integrating LIGSITE, PASS, Q-SiteFinder and SURFNET, Fpocket,
GHECOM, ConCavity and POCASA |
An automatic approach
for detecting metal-binding residues in low-resolution 3D models by with
neural network classifiers |
Predicting Ca2+-modulated
functions |
Webserver for
predicting calmodulin binding sites from protein sequences |
Webserver for
predicting membrane targeting domains (e.g., Ca2+-dependent C2 domain) |
De novo design of
protein sequence based on a desired backbone fold |
Available from the
authors |
Design of metal
binding sties by selecting suitable ligands |
Available from the
authors |